PFS INVESTMENTS INC.- General Disclosures
PFS Investments Inc. (PFSI) is dually registered as a broker-dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and as an SEC-registered investment advisor doing business under the trade name "Primerica Advisors". PFSI offers mutual funds, variable annuities, college savings plans and employer-sponsored retirement plans to the saving and investing public. Primerica Advisors offers a managed account wrap fee program marketed as the Lifetime Investment Program.
The materials below provide important information about PFSI's brokerage services and Primerica Advisor's advisory services, including the investment products available to you, the different features and costs of those products, how we are compensated when you invest, and our conflicts of interest. We hope that you will review these materials carefully.
PFSI / Primerica Advisors Customer Relationship Summary Form CRS
This summary provides information about the key features, available products, differences between, and conflicts associated with our brokerage and advisory businesses.
Investing With Primerica (Regulation Best Interest Disclosures)
This brochure contains more detailed, but still easy to read, descriptions of the investment products and services offered through our brokerage and advisory businesses, including important information about the features of the investment products we offer, the costs associated with investing, the compensation we receive, and our conflicts of interest.
Thinking About Moving Your Retirement Savings?
This educational brochure is an important resource for investors considering moving their employer retirement savings or transferring an IRA account to PFSI or Primerica Advisors. This brochure discusses the options available to you and factors that should be carefully considered before making the decision to rollover your retirement savings.
PFSI – Brokerage
Mutual Funds
Visit this link to see a list of the Platform Funds, mutual fund families for which PFSI's affiliate Primerica Shareholder Services provides transfer agent and shareholder services.
Visit this link to see a list of the variable, index-linked variable, and fixed indexed annuity products offered through PFSI and Primerica Financial Services LLC, as well as information on the expenses of these products, surrender periods, and commissions earned by PFSI representatives on sales.
Revenue Sharing
Visit this link to learn more about the revenue sharing payments PFSI receives from the sponsors of investment products we offer.
PFSI Brokerage Agreements
- PFSI Mutual Fund Client Agreement (Web Turbo Application)
- PFSI Custodial Agreement and IRS Disclosure Statement (Traditional and Roth IRA)
- PFSI Custodial Agreement and IRS Disclosure Statement (SEP IRA)
- PFSI Custodial Agreement (SIMPLE IRA)
- PFSI Custodial Agreement and IRS Disclosure Statement (403 (b))
The Primerica Advisors Form ADV brochure and Lifetime Investment Program advisory agreement are available below.
Primerica Advisors Form ADV Wrap Fee Program Brochure
This brochure provides you with important information on the Primerica Advisors Lifetime Investment Program, including the services offered, fees, conflicts and account requirements.
Primerica Advisors Lifetime Investment Program Advisory Agreement
Primerica Brokerage Services Inc. (PBSI) is a broker-dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). PBSI is the introducing broker-dealer for accounts managed through the Primerica Advisors Lifetime Investment Program. Pershing LLC (Pershing), member FINRA and SIPC, is the custodian of assets and executes, clears and settles securities transactions in your account pursuant to a clearing agreement with PBSI.
The materials below provide important information about PBSI's services, and conflicts of interest. We hope that you will review these materials carefully.
PBSI Customer Relationship Summary Form CRS
The Customer Relationship Summary provides you with a clear and easy to read summary of PBSI's services and conflicts. Only customers who invest in the Lifetime Investment Program are eligible to open an account at Primerica Brokerage Services Inc.
PBSI (Ancillary Fee's and Non-Program Accounts)
Please see the Primerica Advisors Form ADV Wrap Fee Program Brochure for information about Non-Program Accounts.
Contact Us
Contact us at 1-800-544-5445 to obtain more information about or assistance with your investments. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and look forward to hearing from you. For more information on our Business Continuity Plan, information on preventing financial exploitation, and other important Primerica Disclosures, please visit