“After getting an industrial engineering degree, I spent a few years working as a supervisor, quickly realizing my goals would never be realized in corporate America. My husband, Mel, joined Primerica and I helped with the administrative and training side of the business. After we had our first daughter, I decided to stay at home and be a full-time mom. Mel was struggling with Primerica and he eventually decided he wanted to do full-time ministry. I had to decide if I wanted to go back to corporate America or face my fear of talking to people and become the lead partner in our business. My fear of being broke outweighed my fear of rejection!
“I got into this business for freedom. I wanted the freedom to design my life in every area. I am more available to my kids: I have been classroom mother and attend all the school parties and daytime programs that most working women have to miss. I attend every sporting event for my oldest daughter because I have built a business that gives me the freedom to control my schedule and live according to my priorities. I love making memories with my family!”